Rest In God In Unstable Times
Rest in the protective arms of Jesus the Shepard. He will lead you and guide you beside the still waters, Psalm 23. Even though we are living in crazy times, we can find peace in Jesus. Jesus is the Great Shepard, he knows where the green pastures are. we must learn to follow and trust Jesus in every area of our lives. We must intentional about resting our mind and body. You can be lying down and yet your mind can be racing with all the things that you need to do. We must do what 1 Peter 5:7 tell us to do and cast all of our cares on God. We are not strong enough to handle all of the cares that we see or encounter on a daily bases. The cares don’t belong to you. Jesus carried them all, when he died on the cross and for that reason we must give them all to him. If you are having trouble giving God everything, be honest with him and tell him that. God is not a mean task master, he is all knowing and he loves honesty. So never hide from God, run to him. He knows how to clean up all the dirty diaper messes in our lives. Finally, we must learn to trust Jesus enough to give him everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.